Pharmacy Services

Our full-service veterinary pharmacy provides medication for your pet’s needs. Pharmacy hours are Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. and Saturday–Sunday, 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. You may pick up your prescription during these hours.

About Our Pharmacy Services
Refills on previously prescribed medications should be phoned in at least one day ahead of time to ensure that your order is ready when you arrive. Request refills by calling (704) 334-4684.
- Animal Medical Hospital & Urgent Care has access to local compounding pharmacies to meet your pet’s unique drug requirements, such as taste preference and accurate dosing.
- We stock routine outpatient medications and drugs used for emergency and critical care cases.
- In most cases, patients must have had a physical exam within the past year and blood work in order to receive prescription refills.
- New clients will need to have a physical exam with one of our veterinarians and must provide an authorized prescription from their previous veterinarian before receiving a medication refill.
- We also carry prescription diets, and can dispense those to both current and new clients. For our new clients, we ask that your previous veterinarian contact us regarding your pet’s prescription diet.
- Please remember to follow your veterinarian’s directions and label instructions when dispensing any pet medication.